Monday, October 10, 2011

A List of Accomplishment

It's amazing how a "day off" isn't really a day away from work. I do feel good when I can accomplish a lot within my day away from work work. I started my morning by waking up to the sound of rain. I knew right then that I was going to have to REALLY motivate myself to get stuff done. Well, I got up, got Madison (11 1/2 yr old Yorkshire Terrier) her medicine and breakfast. I then ventured out into the laundry room where I began the first of a few loads of laundry for the day. After that, I got myself ready and went to the pharmacy to pick up a prescription and then on to the grocery store. Very grateful to get back to the house, Maddie kept her eye on the neighborhood while I vacuumed the house. Do you just have the good feeling after vacuuming? I sure do! I'm sure it's just the whole "clean" factor. One thing was automatically checked off the list of "things to do"...the watering of plants was done with some help from God. I was definitely thankful for that...since I hate for dad to return home after vacation to dead plants...Well, after the vacuum cleaner did its job, Maddie and I decided to relax for a bit and watch Something Borrowed and took a 30-40 minute nap afterwards. (BTW, the movie was super cute! definitely one that I want to buy) Well, other than switching out more loads of laundry, that concludes my day and it's only 7:30! I'm so tired, which probably isn't helped by my allergies that have been and are continuing to beat me up.

Something that's really interesting, is Maddie and her fascination with the front storm door.
This cat is the only animal she allows on our porch. We kind of adopted the cat after it (yeah...we have no idea if its male or female because it's too skittish of people) was left behind our neighbors. They will sit at that door and just stare at each other though! It's very interesting to you can tell.

Like I was an all-in-all productive day and can say that Maddie and I will sleep very well tonight!


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