Friday, April 15, 2011

The Phone Call of Dreams

A simple 5-10 minute phone call was able to turn a typical Friday into the most amazing Friday I could ask for! What kind of call was this??? Why, it was a call from one of the MANY places that I've been applying to for a job. YES! I have a face-to-face interview with them on Wednesday. I'm not going to mention the company that I'm going to be interviewing with, so you'll have to wait and see. This is such an answer to prayer though. As I've mentioned before, I've been out of a job since the middle of January. During this time of unemployment, I've gotten a lot accomplished with school, but I'll be SO happy to have that additional structure back in my life. It's been an experience though and I hope to be out of this experience sooner rather than later. My interview is on Wednesday of this coming week so I'm incredibly anxious!

On another note...I'm only 3 days away from being another year older. *sigh* Where does the time go? I'm going to be hitting the big 2-4...Still hard to believe when I think about it, but with the call about an interview today, this is making an excellent start to a "birthday" weekend! :)


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